Hot Deal 5Pcs Seasoning Bottle Set with Wooden Rack Pepper Bottle Holder Kitchen Tools for Oil Salt shaker Soy Sauce Storage
Buy 5Pcs Seasoning Bottle Set with Wooden Rack Pepper Bottle Holder Kitchen Tools for Oil Salt shaker Soy Sauce Storage Right Here and Right Now You will save 29%, you will just pay for US $28.10, not in Reguler Price at US $39.58. Yap! This is I mean you will Save 29%.
Product Detail of 5Pcs Seasoning Bottle Set with Wooden Rack Pepper Bottle Holder Kitchen Tools for Oil Salt shaker Soy Sauce Storage:
1. Material: Made of stainless steel the rack is durable and easy to clean. Modern
2. Fresh flavor of spices: With fresh spices your food will be better. A high-quality salt and p
3. Unique: Stainless steel and acrylic oil bottle; the pepper bottle with wooden
4. Convenient cleaning: Corrosion-resistant just clean the whole equipment in the dishwasher
5. Structure: The base has diamond and square options which are 4-piece 5-piece of
Name: Seasoning Bottle with Wood Base Set
Material: Stainless steel+wood+acrylic
Color: Silver
Type: Herb & Spice Tools
Origin: CN(Origin)
Herb & Spice Tools Type: Other
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Pictures 5Pcs Seasoning Bottle Set with Wooden Rack Pepper Bottle Holder Kitchen Tools for Oil Salt shaker Soy Sauce Storage
Addition Information of 5Pcs Seasoning Bottle Set with Wooden Rack Pepper Bottle Holder Kitchen Tools for Oil Salt shaker Soy Sauce Storage
Rating: 4.3
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Original Price: US $39.58
Get Discount: 29%
Sale Price: US $28.10